Today we’re celebrating the February births of two great American Presidents–George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. What better way to honor their legacy than to watch an election-themed or political piece of entertainment? And, I don’t mean Robocop.
If you haven’t already binge-watched the second season of Netflix hit House of Cards, why not stay in and catch up on what devious adventures Francis and Claire Underwood (Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright) are up to? I still miss Corey Stoll (who doesn’t), but it’s worth spending 13 episodes with the Underwoods. I’m not sure they are what Washington and Lincoln had in mind as the future of American politics, but they make for a compelling series.
More in the mood for comedy? Why not revisit Alexander Payne’s 1999 cult hit Election? Sure, his lament Nebraska is nominated for the Best Picture Academy Award as well as a couple acting categories and screenplay. But, Election is a laugh-out-loud satire of a high school election that pits overeager Tracy Flick (a pitch perfect Reese Witherspoon) against a down-on-his-luck teacher (Matthew Broderick). He simply doesn’t want her to become the high school president. What makes this film hold up is that it exposes the underbelly of victory as well as frustrated desire. And it’s hilarious. If you get the chance, check this film out and be glad you never battled with Tracy Flick. The film’s preview is below.
Happy Presidents Day!
What to Watch This Presidents Day